Climate protection in film production: an industry revolution

Film production is facing the challenge of reinventing itself in times of increasing environmental awareness. As a graduate of a Green Consultant course and Managing Director of Deriva Films, it is important to me not only to meet minimum ecological standards, but also to make film production as a whole sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Why is climate protection even an issue in film production?

Film production, often shrouded in glamor and creativity, faces an existential challenge today: integrating climate protection into the creative process. Why climate protection? The answer lies in the unique power of film, not only as an entertainment medium but also as an influential social actor.

As climate change progresses and society becomes increasingly aware of environmental issues, the film industry is expected to play its part. The visual nature of the medium provides a unique platform to address environmental issues and raise awareness of the urgency of climate protection. But this power contrasts with the environmental footprint that film productions often leave behind. From energy consumption and transportation to the disposal of props, every stage of production leaves its mark on our planet.

Rising audience expectations that companies and industries play a responsible role in environmental issues have pushed the film industry to rethink its practices. Climate protection is not only an ethical obligation but also a strategic necessity to maintain audience trust and make the film industry fit for the future.

In this phase of global warming and ecological crises, it is becoming clear that climate protection is no longer a choice, but a responsibility. The film industry faces the challenge of not only telling stories but also becoming part of a larger, environmentally conscious narrative. It's time for every movie set to become a stage not only for creativity but also for sustainability.

How is the topic discussed in the industry?

The discussion on climate protection in the film industry is gaining momentum. Internationally active film festivals are increasingly adopting environmentally friendly practices, and some studios are experimenting with sustainable production techniques. However, a profound shift in thinking is needed at all levels of the industry, from top management to scriptwriters and the on-set teams.

Photo: Amon Aleme-Selassie

Measures for sustainable film production

Environmentally friendly film productions require concrete measures. This starts with small steps like waste separation on set and extends to advanced measures such as the use of renewable energies and the reduction of single-use plastic. Sustainability should be seen not only as an obligation but as a strategic path to the future. On the road to sustainable production, conflicts can arise, whether due to budget constraints or fear of change. Here, the entire team, from production management to the creative staff, plays a crucial role. A shared awareness of the importance of climate protection is essential.

Photo: Amon Aleme-Selassie

Social responsibility in film production

Climate protection is not only ecologically but also socially relevant. Sustainable film production should not only minimize environmental impacts but also take on social responsibility. This includes promoting equality, diversity, and equal opportunities. The film industry has the opportunity to not only set ecological standards but also to serve as a role model for other industries. The transition to environmentally friendly practices can not only reduce environmental impacts but also strengthen the industry's reputation.


Climate protection in film production is no longer a secondary concern – it is a necessity. Deriva Films is not only striving for ecological sustainability but also advocating for social responsibility. Only through collective action, starting with small measures on set to industry-wide changes, can we create a sustainable future for the film industry. It is time for the magic of films to embrace the magic of sustainability.